Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bay City St. Pat's

If you have been checking here every day, wondering how the race went . . . wonder no more. I even have pictures!

For starters, I did not beat my best time. I was 5 seconds off. Will try again next time. J on the other hand, smoked his previous PR with a time of 25:21! I finished with a 32:32 and mom walked across the finish with a 52:29.
Here we are after the race. Thanks to our friend B for taking our picture!

Next is a picture of me, far left. The best part of this picture is the fact that J wasn't taking a picture of me, he was shooting the girl in front of me who is our friend B's niece.

J didn't even see me, nor know I had finished the race until I walked up to him after I finished. He pointed her out to me later and I told him she was either right in front of me or right behind me so I should be in the picture too - and I was! I did pass her in the end, and beat her by 11 seconds. That gives me great satisfaction, because she walk/ran the whole way. There are always people in a race that I am in that will run fast, then walk . . . then just as I catch up to them, run again . . . then walk. It is as if they hear me coming and think "OH NO, we can't let HER beat, me!"
Sorry the pictures are so dark, it was very sunny that day.
So now you ask what's next? What's next is the Flushing Tax Trot, which was the first 5K I ran (last year). It is a nice residential run that is pretty flat, and I'm pretty confidant that I'll beat last years time of 35:22. :-) At least I had better!
Besides the Tax Trot, my treadmill training from here on out will not only be rolling hills, but also inclines - since the Mackinaw Bridge Memorial Day Run is about 68 days away, and I need to start working on my 5% incline! You might think a 5% incline is not that much and you are right, but a 5% incline for around 2.5 miles which is also the Entire Beginning of the Race - then it turns into something!
Another thing I seriously want to start working on is my EATING! Yes, I know how to eat . . . too well actually! I need to forget how to eat a few hundred calories per day. So even though you've read it here before, I'm going back on the food journal. Wish me luck!

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